Whether you are a coffee lover or tea lover is actually not such a big problem, except that this article is about coffee lovers. But, that is not to say that the tips in here will also probably come in handy for tea lovers. Setting up your home to reflect the things you love the most, is one of the most uplifting things you can do. It is particularly useful for people who experience negative mental health issues. Here are a few great ideas for coffee lovers everywhere to deck out their home.


Coffee lovers love their mugs as much as they love their coffee, and in true character to alavazza barista training of sorts, tend to have a wide assortment at the ready. Well, you can now embrace the obsession in full force, dedicating a separate space for a coffee mug display. A wall display is often best, as you can often extend on it with new shelves along the length of the wall. After a while, you might run out of countertop space!


From the entrance to the area where the coffee is at, leave a coffee trail. Not a trail of literal ground coffee or coffee beans, but more like signs and little posts that direct people there. If you want to mix things up a bit, you can change the signs every so often. That way, even after a while, there will be something new. It does mean you have to pay attention, but if it is also something you enjoy doing, it will come to you effortlessly.


If you think you have seen it all, well you most likely have not; because coffee incense, candles and air fresheners do exist. Just like you find cinnamon candles actually. They fill the house with an aromatic, therapeutic smell, and are a coffee lover’s delight. When you are not drinking coffee, you can instead envelop yourself in its smell, which is admittedly a very comfortable one. While you are it, make sure you invest in a reliable coffee machine as well, like the Rocket espresso so people know you are serious about your coffee and not oddly obsessed with it.


If you are feeling extra creative, why not lay out a simple yet artistic coffee menu? You can have the ingredients at home, including any syrups and other condiments. When guests visit, ask them to take their pick from the menu, and whip it up. A new and innovative way to welcome guests, this will actually be ideal for when you need to cater to a special occasion. Maybe you are meeting with people for a new business deal; this approach to hosting will definitely be positively welcomed, and reflect well on you.