Few Things You Wish You Knew Before You Planned Your Trip

Travel is full of drawbacks. One wrong turn and your holiday could take an evil turn by a sleazy hotel room, a wasted evening at a tourist-trap site or a long flight squeezed in the middle seat. These are few things you should know to make the right moves and to make your getaway a smooth one.

Plan it out

Travel is quite often considered to be the ultimate adventure that makes you a different person. Lot of people misunderstand this as to making spontaneous plans and just trying to see where the roads take you. This is perfectly fine if you have a tick budget and bold. But if you worry about missing flights, finding decent accommodation and tight on spending, plan things out. Read blogs and plan exactly what you need to do. Have a rough idea about the cost. Book your hotel in advance. Check out reviews on local restaurants that will cater you a delicious food. There’s no guilt in being prepared.

Less clothes and more money

Whether is the tropical beaches in Bali or a road trip in the US, before packing check the local climate. Be prepared for any unexpected rain and any cultural restrictions. Avoid packing fancy outfits you might not wear at all. Stick to few jeans and t-shirts or couple of dresses. Carry an extra pair of clothes in your carry-on luggage. Exchange enough money to keep you going during your stay. Don’t always depend on ATMs. To be on the safer side carry more than one form of currency; money and credit cards. Stash some cash in different places to cover you up in case of an emergency.

Keep your documents safe

Store your passport and travel insurance in a safe place. Ideally back in your hotel room. It is safe to have hard and digital copies of these documents with you before you travel.

Go local

Take the paths less travelled. It is nice to sip a beer at a touristy pub. But is more exciting to get into a conversation with the locals. Learn a thing or two from the locals you meet. Try your hand at Balinese cooking. Sip a glass of palm wine when in Myanmar. Don’t skip street food or road side burger restaurants when you travel. Ask locals for recommendations. Try a bit of everything. After all, street venders in Bangkok makes amazing Pad Thai than your take out Thai outlet.

Take time

Try not to cover 6 different countries in 4 weeks. Best things happen when you take time to look out and explore. The country you visiting could be merely an island, but don’t underestimate what it got in store for you.