Three Rules Of Customer Satisfaction

In any industry in the world, customer is always the king. Any business that says otherwise is either really sure of themselves or is extremely stupid. There are times where customer is not always king. But these times, in today’s world, are too few and far in between. More often than not, businesses today consider the customer to be always right. It is all about customer satisfaction and giving the best to your customer. Because of this, there are dedicated people in organizations, working to satisfy the customers. These people are called by various names, the most common being customer care personnel. Being a customer care personnel is simply not just a job. A person really needs to have a passion for this kind of job in order to succeed. Here are three golden rules of customer satisfaction that every customer care personnel should understand.

Act on first call Other than giving that top notch service, and taking your customer out to a set lunch Soho, there are many things that you can do in order to ensure that your customer is kept satisfied. Whenever a customer calls you to make a request or complaint, attend to it on the first call itself. A customer would not reach out to a customer care personnel unless it is something that he requires help with. Respect your customer and attend to it as soon as possible. Some of you may complain that customers, sometimes, come up with the most absurd request or complaints. While this is true, the customer’s requirement trumps over any other reason you may have for not attending to the customer’s complaint or requirement. Keep in mind that customer is still God.

Leave less room for a second callThe thing that is worse than a customer calling you is the customer calling you a second time. This is a time when all those set lunch Soho and other customer pleasing tactics that you may have used have not been effective at all. A customer calls for a second time regarding the same issue only because he has not been satisfied the first time. It is also a reflection of how well you handled the first call. In case if you have been unfortunate enough to receive a second call from your customer regarding the same issue, you need to act fast. This mean that you response time should be instant, check this awesome Italian restaurant.

Customer engagement It is not enough to keep the customer satisfied. One should also engage the customer actively. This will allow you to learn about your customer. In addition, there will be less chances of you not meeting the customer requirements.